Monday, November 24, 2008

The True Abuse/False Alienation Scam

by Katie Stanton

There are false allegations of fictitious syndromes going on all over the country and around the world. Horrifically abusive men, armed with lots of money, use false allegations of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) as a strategy to annihilate their families.

Instead of doing this physically, these abusers are using family court to inflict the damage. The men who claim to be “alienated” often will repeatedly call in false abuse reports on the mother, which is ignored in court proceedings and by the PAS-accusing evaluator.
These same men will attempt to “coach” the child to say bad things and make false allegations against the mother. When the child reports the father for his abuse (including parental alienation tactics), the father falsely claims alienation by the mother. It is a reign of terror, with the child as the ultimate victim.

There are some of the frequently elements of the abuse/false alienation scam. These behaviors often start during the relationship–they’re not something that occurs as a result of divorce, but instead are often the reason for the divorce. They are:

Abuse frequently either begins or escalates during pregnancy.

Abuse can be physical and/or sexual.

Threatens to take the children if the victim mom leaves.

Threatens the life of the mom and/or children.

Extremely emotionally abusive and controlling.

Coercive control is constant.


Harassment by any means possible, phone, email or any other means of communication. Communications are with the intent to inflict emotional distress.

False accusations of infidelity.

Interferes with wife/mom’s work.

Keeps mom and kids from having friendships with other people, and relationships with her own family, wants to only be with his relatives and friends.

Financial abuse (may incur bills and refuse to pay any, forces mom/wife to take on debt to keep family afloat while simultaneously undermining work of wife/mom).

Wife/mom will try to get help for husband/dad, and NOT immediately leave. Wife/mom will refuse to prosecute, only to later have this be extremely detrimental.

CPS involvement due to domestic violence and child abuse reports called in by people other than the mom. Mom will be terrorized with every report because she is at risk of losing kids to CPS.
Abuse against child that child discloses to mom while still married or in relationship. Mom will choose to work with dad on this personally.

Mom gets threatened by CPS with failure to protect while married or in relationship.

Visitation may be stopped for valid reasons.

Child is a pawn, the ways and means of continuing the abuse on the mother while inflicting great harm on the child.

Child will often be abused in front of mother intentionally during exchanges.

Child exchanges are just another opportunity to inflict harm on mom and child in any way possible. Calling all day, changing times, changing locations, repeatedly and obnoxiously.

Father refusing to return child from visitation.

Father will often have wealthy parents (and usually highly abusive and controlling father).

Father’s parents will also engage in the terrorizing of mom and kids, and will also make threats and file false reports. Father’s parents function like tag team of bullies.

Father will have visitation, then falsely claim that he was denied visitation. (Valid reasons for schedule changes are claimed to be “alienation.”)

Father will receive phone calls, and school correspondence, then falsely claim that the calls were not long enough or meaningful enough, etc and that he did not receive ENOUGH information from school or may falsely claim that he received nothing when opposite is true.

Mother will comply with every order in great detail, while father disobeys, but father will file for false contempt claim in order to commit custody exchange fraud.

Father only needs to lie to psychologist, who then does nothing to corroborate any information, and psychologist will come to court and falsely accuse parental alienation without any evidence.

Courts will listen to paid expert and vilify the protective parent to the delight of the abuser.

Father is expert at “crazy-making” This behavior distorts reality and destroys the possibility of honest communication. This is a very effective device to increase confusion and insecurity in the victim. It also makes the victim mom have to continuously defend in court.

In these cases, of course the child is fearful of the father. The children will be telling the truth, and the psychotic father is claiming they are lying. He forces the children to undergo evaluations and reunification therapy in efforts to have these psychologists “brainwash” the children into believing the father’s alternate version of realty.

The children are tortured by unethical lawyers and psychologists profiteering off the case under the direction of the abuser dad, who is usually a very skillful and charming liar. The litigation will go on endlessly, as the protective parent desperately tries to shield the child.

This tactic of the true abuser using false allegations of alienation is an extreme form of emotional battering, and is a way of continuing to inflict abuse. The child will resent the true abuser even more, because of the hell they are being put through in order to exact revenge on the mom. False allegation of this fictitious syndrome–Parental Alienation Syndrome–is a fraud and needs to be exposed.


SpreadtheWord said...

This is exactly what I'm going through to a T. It is really terrible and has been so hard on my children and myself to the point that my son wanted to kill himself and was hospitalized because of the constant threat of attack he has been under do to having to live with his abusive father. These abusers are more times than not narcissists and psychopaths. The abusers do everything that they can to destroy the person that has publicly humiliated them (divorce). And they don't care who they hurt (their children) in the process. You then get these "professionals" who can see that these narcissists will not stop attacking and all they see is dollar signs! It is very sad and sick that the people you go to for help from abusers like these, who were described perfectly by the way, help to continue the cycle of abuse. I pray that a site like this can make a difference and at least help people who may have not gone through and or are going through the divorce process. Can at least be educated and can do their best to move forward in the best way that they can and hopefully move past the madness.

Unknown said...

You know mothers are just as guilty of this as fathers are. I really think you need to research more into how many mothers do this to get more money and make it so the father can not see his kids. My husband (NOT rich, NO parents, NOT abusive) has custody of his kids and their mother is always sending CPS to our home with bogus claims of abuse. She has kept the kids and tried to get an order of protection based on false claims of child abuse. So frankly your assessment that fathers are the perpetrators of this is biased. I would say that it is closer to even in who does this. BOTH fathers and mothers do this and most of the time it is motivated by money for the moms and control from the fathers.

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